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SFTP and FTPS are strong alternatives to FTP, but which secure FTP (file transfer protocol) is better? Explore the differences between SFTP and FTPS, learn how they're implemented and authenticated. Dup Scout Enterprise 10.0.18 Buffer Overflow; LabF nfsAxe 3.7 FTP Client Stack Buffer Overflow; LabF nfsAxe FTP Client 3.7 Buffer Overflow; Sync Breeze Enterprise 9.1.16 Buffer Overflow; Disk Savvy Enterprise 9.1.14 Buffer Overflow.
- So currently I have a working ftp server on aws linux EC2 and S3 with users that can connect via ftp/ftps/sftp However the way I got it to work adds a few seemingly unnecessary steps for the client.
- 23 hours ago So currently I have a working ftp server on aws linux EC2 and S3 with users that can connect via ftp/ftps/sftp However the way I got it to work adds a few seemingly unnecessary steps for the client.
How To Fix Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp
If you have Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp then we strongly recommend that you download and run this (Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp) repair tool.
Symptoms & Summary
- Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp will appear and crash the current program window.
- Your computer crashes frequently showing Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp whilst running the same program.
- Your Windows runs slowly and mouse or keyboard input is sluggish.
- Your computer will occasionally 'freeze' for a period of time.
Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp and other critical errors can occur when your Windows operating system becomes corrupted. Opening programs will be slower and response times will lag. When you have multiple applications running, you may experience crashes and freezes. There can be numerous causes of this error including excessive startup entries, registry errors, hardware/RAM decline, fragmented files, unnecessary or redundant program installations and so on.
In order to fix your error, it is recommended that you download the 'Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp Repair Tool'. This is an advanced optimization tool that can repair all the problems that are slowing your computer down. You will also dramatically improve the speed of your machine when you address all the problems just mentioned.
Recommended: In order to repair your system and Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Error Ftp, download and run Reimage. This repair tool will locate, identify, and fix thousands of Windows errors. Your computer should also run faster and smoother after using this software.
Compatible Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64 bit), 8 (32/64 bit), 8.1 (32/64 bit) Windows 10 (32/64 bit)
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Econnrefused Connection Refused By Server Vsftpd
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Error: Network Error: Connection Refused Error: Could Not Connect To Server
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Econnrefused - Connection Refused By Server Filezilla Windows
Configuration Blacklist Check Visual DNS Lookup Quick Tagger Icon Sets Favicon Generator Bounce Back Parser What is my IP address? >>Community Support Community Support Browse Questions Ask a Question User Submitted Articles Community Support Questions Categories Users Ask a question How do I fix a connection refused error in FileZilla? Category: File Management suemasevice 5 Points Asked: 2011-12-01 9:24 pm EST Hits: 194,961 New user - trying to upload econnrefused nodejs initial files and getting this error msg - Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'. Error: Could not connect to server You must login before you can ask a follow up question. You must login before you can submit an answer. What do to with error 421. I am getting this constantly while connecting to the server through filezilla. I had found a similar query on that. hope this can put more light. rohansharma 0 Points 2014-01-29 12:28 am EST Hello rohansharma, This error is caused by too many concurrent connections to the server. Setting your FTP client to have a lower number of concurrent connections to the server will resolve the issue. JeffMa 11,186 Points 2014-01-29 10:59 am EST Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'. Error: Could not connect to server murtafiah 0 Points 2015-10-28 06:02 am EST I am getting the same error Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'. Error: Could not connect to server I have added it to my fire wall and followed the Network Configuration Manager guide but i get this error in the Network Configuration Manager Response:
& Site Management Integration Options Developers eMail Components CloudLinux Extensions Extension Catalog Submit your Extension Plans & Pricing Support Resources FAQs Forums Knowledge Base Documentation Downloads Plesk University Release notes Blog Become econnrefused (connection refused) android a Partner Russian German French Spanish Chinese Japanese Italian Language English Russian econnrefused - connection refused by server filezilla mac German French Spanish Chinese Japanese Italian any Search Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server' failed to create listen socket, aborting connection closed error. Article ID: 124779, created on Mar 9, 2015, last review on Mar 9, 2015 Applies to: Plesk 12.0 for Linux Plesk 11.5 for Linux Symptoms The follwoing error in FTP client appears when accessing with Implicit over FTPS: Status: Resolving address of server.hostname Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'. Cause FTPS does not listen on port 990 permanently as secure connection initiates via port 21 first. After establishing the connection to port 21 to secure an FTP session, a client application sends the command AUTH SSL according to RFC 2228. Then port 990 is opened and secure connection is established. Resolution Set the FTP client to use 'Require explicit FTP over TLS' and standard FTP protocol on port 21 for connection. Then check FTPS connection with following steps: Initiate FTP session on the server # openssl s_client -connect -starttls ftp Connect using secure tunnel: # lftp lftp :~> set ftp:ssl-force true lftp :~> connect lftp> login
to Tech Support Guy, we highly recommend that you visit our Guide for New Members. Solved: FtpZilla - Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Discussion in 'Web Design & Development' started by LadyTek, Mar 24, 2013. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Advertisement LadyTek Thread Starter Joined: Mar 24, 2013 Messages: 9 Hello Any help would be appreciated. Here is the problem; I could connect previously, but suddenly I get this new message: Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'. On connection refused my system I have: Using laptop. Windows XP, SP2 No firewall, no antivirus, etc. Have Spybot installed, but not automatically active. Have disabled all startup entries for this. Use Firefox mostly. Using a new D-Link router supplied by DSL Line company. Have a 4mbps DSL line. Here is what I have tried: (Working with Host Support during this time, following their instructions, host could connection refused by connect via ftp just fine). 1. Installed FtpZilla on hubby's pc, and it connected just fine. His network cable runs off the same router I use, same DSL connection. 2. Removed FtpZilla on my pc, restarted pc, reinstalled latest version. Tried again, same message. 3. Installed FtpFire on Firefox on my pc, still could not connect, so established it's not FtpZilla that is the problem. 4. Tried using website IP address instead of website name in host field, no joy. 5. Host reset password etc on their side, they connected fine, no joy my side. 6. Host setup of ftp on their server, I could not connect to that either. 7. Tried with default port, no joy. 8. Tried with specific port Number as supplied by host, no joy. 9. Search on your forum, could not find something specific to this. I think it's something on my pc. Not sure what. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks. LadyTek, Mar 24, 2013 #1 Sponsor JiminSA Joined: Dec 15, 2011 Messages: 2,417 Judging from this blog it's either your Windows Firewall settings or your anti-virus software which is blocking the c
Print view 12 posts • Page 1 of 1 Chernz New here Posts: 9 Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:02 pm Model: TS-219P+ **RESOLVED** 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'. Quote Postby Chernz » Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:01 pm Hi team,I can't see for looking where the issue could be and have done extensive online researching. Starting from the beginning:Windows 7 32bitModel: TS-419 PIICurrent firmware version: 3.7.3 Build 20120801Ping test: Successful, no packets lost (screen shot attached)Issue description:Using Filezilla getting error message:Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'.08:24:38 Error: Could not connect to server08:24:38 Status: Waiting to retry...08:24:43 Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'.08:24:44 Error: Could not connect to server08:44:51 Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection attempt failed with 'ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server'.08:44:52 Error: Could not connect to server08:44:52 Status: Waiting to retry...I use, for all visual purposes, it is working perfectly, no issues.More info:* This was working before, then I lost internet connection (through outside my apt source) - internet was restored and everything was working again (including FTP). I purchased a new modem (from DSL-502T to current NetComm NB6 ADSL 2+) - FTP doesn't work on either now with the same error message * I have restarted the QNAP, reset the router and modem to default settings and still the same result.QNAP * Security levels = 'Low: Allow all connections* Network access protection = I unticked a
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Error stack Error Code Emfi Member Group Members Posts Joined -July Error Code In Oracle Member No Hello I have a servlet that works fine except when running Java Sql Sqlexception Io Exception Connection Refused a simulation of many-users When the page is loaded about - times per minute for a half-hour or so I get the Java sql sqlexception Io Exception Connection Refused description err following error java sql SQLException Io exception Connection refused DESCRIPTION TMP VSNNUM ERR ERROR STACK ERROR CODE EMFI I suspect I am opening too many connections or processes and or not closing them properly
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Connect Error - Connection Refused an alternate FTP address If you Error Connection Refused Sql Server can connect to other FTP addresses it is likely the site generating the error is error code connection refused refusing to accept your connection because of security privileges or because it is not an FTP server If you are unable to connect to any address it is likely an issue with the error code connection refused solution network or computer configuration Ensure that the network configuration settings are properly setup as well as FTP rights Verify that the computer and router firewall is properly
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Connection Refused Error OemNo hii have oracle g on RHEL The database is running fine but i am not able to use OEM when i give emctl start dbconsole i get the following outputOracle Enterprise Manager g Database Control Release Copyright copy Oracle Corporation All rights reserved https localhost localdomain em conso boutApplicationStarting Oracle Enterprise Manager g Database Control failed ------------------------------------------------------------------Logs are generated in directory home orainst localhost localdomain ORCL sysman logI checked the logs and i have attached it Attached File s oem doc doc K Number of downloads OraNavs View Member Profile Oct AM Post Newbie Group Members
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Connection Refused Error In FtpFAQIf you get an error ftp Connection refused when using FTP client under Linux such as Connection refused then you can fix this problem using following method center Make sure ftp network error connection refused ftp server installedMake sure ftp server installed and service is running Under Ftp Socket Error Connection Refused Debian Linux you can use dpkg command to verify that ftp server installed dpkg -l grep -i Ftp Connection Refused Windows ftp Output ii ftpd - FTP serverOR run following command dpkg -l grep -i ftp Under Red Hat Novell Suse Fedora Linux try
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Connection Refused Error the db hmon process SQLO CONN REFUSED db hmon das sqloPdbConnectSocket Technote troubleshooting Problem Abstract Receiving ECONNREFUSED messages in the db diag log and not sure why Symptom The db diag log will emagent is thrashing exiting watchdog contain messages similar to the following - - - - E A LEVEL Error OS PID Target Manager Failed At Startup Targets xml Was Rejected Loaded With A Wrong Agent Token TID PROC db hmon INSTANCE db ipec NODE FUNCTION DB UDB oper system emagent has exited due to initialization failure services sqloPdbConnectSocket probe MESSAGE ZRC x F -
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Connection Refused Error OemSearch Tutorials Articles Search HCL Search Reviews Search ISOs Go to Page LinuxQuestions org Forums Linux Forums Linux - Software Oracle EM emctl start dbconsole fails connection refused User orion launcher error app contextinitializer contextinitialized Name Remember Me Password Linux - Software This forum is for Software issues solaris error connection refused listener Having a problem installing a new program Want to know which application is best for the job Post your Oscam Status Error Connection Refused question in this forum Notices Welcome to LinuxQuestions org a friendly and active Linux Community You are currently viewing LQ
connection refused error 111
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Connection Refused Error In Rmihere for a quick overview of the site Help Java net connectexception Connection Refused Connect Rmi Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of Java rmi connectexception Connection Refused To Host Localhost this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Business Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Stack Overflow Questions Jobs Documentation Tags Users Badges Ask java rmi connectexception connection refused to host windows Question x Dismiss Join the Stack Overflow Community Stack Overflow is a community of million programmers just
connection refused error = 79 emctl
Connection Refused Error Emctl Fri July dbcop Messages Registered September Location india Member Hi emagent is thrashing exiting watchdog I have recently upgrade a database to OEM target manager failed at startup targets xml was rejected loaded with a wrong agent token was never configured on the DB Now I am trying to configure OEM emagent has exited due to initialization failure on the g DB Below are the steps sapm oram emca -repos create Jun AM oracle sysman emcp EMReposConfig createRepository INFO Creating the EM repository this may take a while Jun AM oracle sysman emcp EMReposConfig invoke INFO
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Windows ErrorsA Windows error is an error that happens when an unexpected condition occurs or when a desired operation has failed. When you have an error in Windows, it may be critical and cause your programs to freeze and crash or it may be seemingly harmless yet annoying.
Blue Screen of Death
A stop error screen or bug check screen, commonly called a blue screen of death (also known as a BSoD, bluescreen), is caused by a fatal system error and is the error screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems upon encountering a critical error, of a non-recoverable nature, that causes the system to 'crash'.
Damaged DLLs
One of the biggest causes of DLL's becoming corrupt/damaged is the practice of constantly installing and uninstalling programs. This often means that DLL's will get overwritten by newer versions when a new program is installed, for example. This causes problems for those applications and programs that still need the old version to operate. Thus, the program begins to malfunction and crash.
Freezing Computer
Computer hanging or freezing occurs when either a program or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs. In the most commonly encountered scenario, a program freezes and all windows belonging to the frozen program become static. Almost always, the only way to recover from a system freeze is to reboot the machine, usually by power cycling with an on/off or reset button.
Virus Damage
Once your computer has been infected with a virus, it's no longer the same. After removing it with your anti-virus software, you're often left with lingering side-effects. Technically, your computer might no longer be infected, but that doesn't mean it's error-free. Even simply removing a virus can actually harm your system.
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The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Your Firewall / Network Address Translation (NAT) Router / Load-Balancing Router
The File Transfer Protocol has held up remarkably well overthe years.The protocol was firststandardized in the early 1970's Âdecades before most networks were protected by strict firewalls that dropincoming packets first, ask questions later.
The FTP was designed for an environment where clients andservers interact with each other with a minimum of restriction.Additionally, the FTP was designed to operate over communicationschannels where packets travel directly to their destination, and not intodayÂs environment where there may be a transparent intermediary that isresponsible for sending the packets to and from a host on a private network.
Contents |
The Problems | [Contents] |
The primary problems that the FTP poses to firewalls, NATdevices, and load-balancing devices (all of which will simply be referred to asÂrouting devices and not 'routers'since gateway machines generally aren't problematic) are:
Additional TCP/IP connections are used for data transfers;
Data connections may be sent to random port numbers;
Data connections may originate from the server to the client, as well asoriginating from the client to the server;
Data connections destination addresses are negotiated on the flybetween the client and server over the channel used for the control connection;
The control connection is idle while the data transfer takes place on the data connection.
The ramifications for problem (1) are that routing devicesmust maintain state information for the control connection where the FTPconversation between client and server takes place, and subsequent dataconnections.For load balancingdevices especially, this means that it is imperative to send the dataconnections to the same internal server that the control connection associatedwith it is being sent.
For problem (2), this means that it is impossible to forFTP to work with a configuration where only a handful of well-known ports areallowed in and all other ports are denied.Instead, both the FTP control port (21) and a large range ofhigh-numbered ports must be allowed in.But, as a consequence of problem (1), the range of ports can be locked down foreverything except use by FTP with a little work by the routing device.
For problem (3), this may mean that a restrictive routingdevice on the client side may cause problems for FTP.
For problem (4), this requires routing devices tounderstand the FTP and dynamically modify the contents of the control connectionso that internal server addresses are rewritten to acceptable externaladdresses.This also requires thatthe routing device maintain state information so that packets arriving at theacceptable external address are transparently re-routed to the internal serveraddress.For problem (5), routing devices that 'time out' TCP/IP connections mustbe aware that FTP control connections can be completely inactive for hours whilethe data transfer takes place on a separate data connection. The classicexample of a problem with this case is the common occurrence where a lengthydownload finishes and the client wishes to start another download, but therouting device has timed-out the control connection since no activity took placefor 15 minutes. The client program then locks up waiting for the server toreply to a message it never received because the routing device did not route itto the server.
The Two Types of Data Transfers - Active (PORT) and Passive (PASV) | [Contents] |
The FTP specifies a mechanism for a default data connection, where the server canconnect back to the client from port 20 to the same IP address and portnumber that the client is originating from on the control connection. However, it really isn't feasible because the preferred transfer mode is'stream mode' and would require that the default data connection bereopened with each data transfer (and TCP won't let you do that until TIME_WAITexpires on the previous default data connection that has the same connectionendpoints).
Therefore,all modern FTP clients negotiate with the server on where the data is sent andwho initiates the connection. The client program can specify active mode by sending the 'PORT' command to instruct thatthe server should connect back to a specified IP address and port number andthen send the data. Or, a client program can choose passivemode by using the 'PASV' command to ask that the server tell theclient an IP address and port number that the client can connect to and receivethe data.
In a nutshell, PORT is used to have the server connect to the client, and PASV isused to have the client connect to the server. Since the client connectsto the server to establish the control connection, it would seem logical thatthe client should connect to the server to establish the data connection, whichwould imply that PASV would be preferred (and at the same time eliminate thesingle biggest problem with FTP and firewalls). Mysteriously, the implementerschose to specify in the FTP specification that PORT should be preferred and PASVneed not be implemented at all by FTP client programs.
Example Sessions Using Active and Passive Data Transfers | [Contents] |
At this point it might be helpful to see how the client and server arecommunicating for each type of data transfer. The first example is an Active session that logs in anonymously and does a single active data transfer,a directory listing. Note that a directory listings are treated as datatransfers just like uploading and downloading of files!
Client: | USER anonymous | |
Server: | 331 Guest login ok, send your e-mail address as password. | |
Client: | PASS NcFTP@ | |
Server: | 230 Logged in anonymously. | |
Client: | PORT 192,168,1,2,7,138 | The client wants the server to send to port number 1930 on IP address |
Server: | 200 PORT command successful. | |
Client: | LIST | |
Server: | 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. | The server now connects out from port 21 to port 1930 on |
Server: | 226 Listing completed. | That succeeded, so the data is now sent over the established data connection. |
Client: | QUIT | |
Server: | 221 Goodbye. |
Next is the Passive example.
Client: | USER anonymous | |
Server: | 331 Guest login ok, send your e-mail address as password. | |
Client: | PASS NcFTP@ | |
Server: | 230 Logged in anonymously. | |
Client: | PASV | The client is asking where he should connect. |
Server: | 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,3,4,204,173) | The server replies with port 52397 on IP address |
Client: | LIST | |
Server: | 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting. | The client has now connected to the server at port 52397 on IP address |
Server: | 226 Listing completed. | That succeeded, so the data is now sent over the established data connection. |
Client: | QUIT | |
Server: | 221 Goodbye. |
Why PORT Poses Problems for Routing Devices | [Contents] |
The biggest problem caused by FTP client programs choosing to use 'PORT'to negotiate FTP data connections is the fact that the server must be theconnecting out back to the client's IP address. For restrictive firewalls,it is desirable to forbid all incoming connections, so using PORT would causethe connection incoming from the server to fail.
Another big problem is that when a client program is using network address translationto hide behind a routing device on an internal network, when using PORT theclient tells a server on the external network to connect to an address on theclient's internal network. I.e., from the example above:
Client: PORT 192,168,1,2,7,138
That almost always results in the routing device denying the connection, or theconnection to fail completely if the IP address is a RFC1918 compliant reserved address (i.e. 192.168.x.x, 172.16.x.x,10.x.x.x). In either case, the client user will typically experience adiscarded connection that is very frustrating since the client program willjust lock up until the connection is considered permanently timed-out.
Solution1: The client user should configure their FTP client program to usePASV rather than PORT. Using passive mode may not solve the problem ifthere is a similar restrictive firewall on the server side.
Solution2: A better solution is for the network administrator of the clientnetwork to use high-quality network addresstranslation software. Devices can keep track of FTPdata connections, and when a client on a private network uses 'PORT'with an internal network address, the device should dynamically rewrite thepacket containing the PORT and IP address and change the address so that itrefers to the external IP address of the routing device. The device wouldthen have to route the connection incoming from the remote FTP server back tothe internal network address of the client. I.e., from the example above wehad:
Client: PORT 192,168,1,2,7,138
When the packet containing this PORT reaches the routing device, it should berewritten like this, assuming the external address is
Client: PORT 17,254,0,26,7,138
The remote server would then attempt to connect to Therouting device in this example would then forward all traffic for thisconnection to and from the client address at
Why PASV Poses Problems for Firewalls | [Contents] |
When an FTP server is behind a firewall, there can be problems when FTP clients tryto use passive mode to connect to an ephemeral port number(temporary random port number) on the FTP server machine. The most commonproblem is when the firewall the FTP server is behind is strict, i.e. thefirewall allows only a few well-known port numbers in and denies access to allother ports.
Solution1: The network administrator of the server network canconfigure the firewall to allow in the entire ephemeral port range. Therange of ephemeral ports that need to be opened up is dependent on theconfiguration of the server machine that is running the FTP server software -- notthe ephemeral ports on the firewall!
So, find out how the FTP server machine has configured the ephemeral port range(whose default range varies with the operating system) and then open those portson the firewall. Ideally, the firewall should be configured so that onlythat range of ports is accessible to the FTP server machine. Also doublecheck to be sure that there aren't any other TCP services with port numbers inthe ephemeral port range listening on the FTP server machine.
Solution 2: The network administrator of the server network can consultthe firewall vendor's documentation to see if FTP connections can be dynamicallymonitored and ports dynamically opened when a passive FTP connection isdetected. This is similar to what intelligent network address translationsoftware can do on the client side for PORT -- the FTP control connections aremonitored, and when a packet containing 'PASV' from an FTP session isdetected, the firewall can automatically open the port.
Using our PASV example above, when the FTP server replies to the PASV request:
Server: 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,3,4,204,173)
The firewall would then parse the request and find that the client will beinstructed to connect to port 52397 on the address Thefirewall would then add a temporary rule that would allow exactly oneconnection to port 52397 only from the same IP address that the FTPcontrol connection is connected from.
Why PASV Poses Problems for FTP Servers on Internal Networks | [Contents] |
The other server-side problem that can occur is when a client is trying to access anFTP server on an internal network protected by a routing device. Because aserver response from PASV includes an IP address and port number, if this IPaddress corresponds to a private network then the client will not be able toconnect to that private address. From our PASV example above, we have:
Server: 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,3,4,204,173)
If left unaltered, the client would try to connect to port 52397 on the IP address172.16.3.4. If the client is not on the private internal network, theclient would time-out trying to connect to that address, when in reality itshould be connecting to the external IP address of the routing device.
Solution 1: The network administrator of the server network can consultthe routing device vendor's documentation to see if FTP connections can be dynamicallymonitored and dynamically replace the IP address specification for packets containing the PASV response.
Using our PASV example above, when the FTP server replies to the PASV request:
Server: 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,3,4,204,173)
The routing device should rewrite the packet like this, assuming the external address is
Server: 227 Entering Passive Mode (17,254,0,91,204,173)
The remote client would then attempt to connect to the routing device at routing device in this example would then forward all traffic for thisconnection between the remote client and the internal FTP server at IP address172.16.3.4.
Why PASV Poses Problems for FTP Servers behind Load-Balancing Routers | [Contents] |
Load-Balancing Routers can allow an administrator to expose a single IP address and delegate connections among multiple identical slave servers. This issimilar to Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), only instead of disksthe array is of TCP/IP servers.
Load Balancing provides two challenges for FTP. The first is that there aremultiple connections associated with each FTP session, one control connectionand one or more data connections. For PASV data connections to work, theload balancer must be able to send the connection from the client to the sameslave server that is handling the control connection.
The second problem, which is related to the first, is that when a slave serverreplies with the PASV response, the PASV response's IP address must beaccessible to the remote client.
Solution 1: The network administrator of the server network can give each slave server a valid externally accessible IP address. The external IP address of the load balancer could be used as the preferred address, but having each slave server have its own external IP address would allow PASV data connections to connect directly to the slave server without requiring traffic from slaves to pass through the load balancer. It also means that the load balancer does not need to do any special automatic handling of FTP.
Solution 2: The network administrator of the server network can consultthe load balancing router vendor's documentation to see if FTP connections can be handled automatically so that the PASV reply is dynamically rewritten to contain the external IP address of the load balancer.
Solution 3: If the routing device isn't intelligent enough to take special care of FTP sessions, but has the ability to always forward traffic from the same remote client IP address to the same internal server IP address, then the network administrator of the server network may be able to configure the FTP server software to spoof the address it uses for PASV replies.
For example, NcFTPd Server has an option to let you specify an IP address to use for PASV replies rather than the real IP address of the machine. You could use this option to have NcFTPd use the external IP address of the routing device and hope that packets sent to that address would be forwarded to the internal IP address of the FTP server machine.
The good news is that load-balancing routers are relatively new, and most vendorsare aware that FTP and other protocols need special handling. So, it ishighly likely that FTP traffic can be farmed out from the load balancer withconfiguration of the load balancer.
Deadlock - When there are Restrictive Firewalls on Both Sides | [Contents] |
Cases do arise where there is a restrictive firewall on both the client side andserver side. Again, a restrictive firewall is one whose policy is to denyeverything except for traffic between a few well-known ports. When thishappens, a client user cannot use PORT because the FTP server cannot connectback to the client program listening ephemeral port number, and a client usercannot use PASV because the client program cannot connect to the FTP serversoftware listening on an ephemeral port number.
Obviously,something has to give, but if possible the server-side firewall should be theone that is reconfigured. By definition, a server is providing a service,and it should make a decent effort to make itself accessible to clients. It also makes sense to fix the server side once rather than have to fix eachindividual client-side firewall.
Someday,all devices doing network address translation will have built-in specialhandling of FTP sessions so PORT can be used, and someday all firewalls willhave built-in special handling of FTP sessions so PASV can be used too.
Problems when the FTP Server is Listening on a Non-Standard Port Number | [Contents] |
A growing number of routing devices have automatic special handling of FTPsessions, but if you run an FTP server on a port other than 21 then your deviceis likely to not know to perform that special handling. Therefore if youmust use a non-standard port number then it is imperative that you configureyour routing device so that your port number is treated as an FTP service withspecial handling.
Even if the server-side network's routing device is configured for that specialhandling, problems could still arise on the client side! Some firewallsrequire that FTP data connections from the server originate from port 20, whichis the standard port number for FTP data connections. If your FTP serveris running on non-standard port N, it is required by the FTPspecification that its data connections originate from port N - 1. Client-side firewalls may deny these connections, so beware.
Problems caused by the firewall prematurely timing out a valid FTP session | [Contents] |
Routingdevices have long been inappropriately deleting TCP/IP connections that theymanage, mostly because they place greater restrictions on connections than doesthe TCP/IP protocol itself. For example, a TCP/IP connection with nooutstanding acknowledgments pending is allowed to be idle indefinitely, unlessone or both ends of the connection agree to use TCP/IP 'Keep Alive'probes. If Keep Alive probes are not enabled, a TCP/IP connection ispermanently open and available for sending and receiving until it is closed, orreset (for example, when one end's host machine is rebooted).
Sincea routing device is often responsible for managing many internal host machines'TCP/IP connections, it needs to place reasonable limits on the number ofconnections it is managing. Therefore, it will try to reclaim connectionswhen it can, and a common way to do this is to put an activity timer on theconnection and delete connections when the timer shows that the connection hasbeen idle for a 'long' period of time. Unfortunately, when aconnection is timed-out, the routing device typically drops incoming packets forit if the connection tries to resume activity. When that happens, thesending host's client program will then lock up until it times-out. If therouting device were kind enough to send back a reply to the sending host with anerror message, rather than dropping the packets and ignoring the sending host,the client program could immediately err-out rather than time-out after aconsiderable delay.
Sincethe FTP protocol uses two connections, a control connection for communicatingwith the client, and another connection to transfer data, there is twice theprobability of getting timed-out by an impatient firewall. The most commoninstance of this problem occurs comes into play during a long filetransfer. When a transfer is initiated (on the control connection), thecontrol connection is idle until the transfer (on the data connection)finishes. If the routing device does not special case for the FTP protocoland the data connection takes longer than the routing device's idle timeout,then the control connection will be timed out. This is a significantproblem since the client program may wish to continue using the FTP session,such as downloading additional files.
Evenif the client program is planning on ending the session, the FTP requires thatthe client program send a message ('QUIT') to the server indicatingthat the connection should be closed, and the server is then required to replywith another message indicating that the session is officially closed. Theramifications are that the client program could then lock up waiting for a replyto a 'QUIT' message that the server will not receive since thefirewall timed-out the session, unbeknownst to both client and server. Thesolution for this specific case, which some, but not all, FTP client programsdo, is to either place a very short time-out on the reply to the'QUIT' message, or to simply close its end of the FTP session (whichviolates the FTP protocol, but is de facto behavior and is generally accepted).
The general solution for this problem is that the routing device needs tospecial-case the FTP protocol, and when there is activity on a FTP session'sdata connection, it must mark the FTP session's control connection as active, inaddition to marking the data connection as active. Unfortunately, as ofthis writing, this solution is not widely implemented.
Another solution is to enable the TCP/IP 'Keep Alive' feature on the controlconnection. When this is enabled by an application program such as an FTPclient or server program, if the connection has been idle for a preset time, theTCP/IP stack will automatically send a heartbeat message to the other end'sTCP/IP stack, and if no reply is received, the connection will be properlytimed-out at the TCP stack on the host machine, rather than at thefirewall. The problem with this is that due to legacy behavior of theTCP/IP protocol (which is decades old, remember!) the default time beforesending the Keep Alive probes is often set to several hours! So, underdefault conditions, the connection would have to be idle for several hoursbefore the TCP stack would send out its heartbeat message, which is notrealistic considering the default idle timeout for routing devices is oftenunder 15 minutes.
For the Keep Alive feature to work under realistic conditions then, it must beconfigured to start sending the probes before the routing device's idle time outkicks in. For example, if a firewall is configured to discard idleconnections after 15 minutes, you would want your Keep Alive probes to be sentafter 10 minutes of inactivity. If the connection is really timed out, itwon't receive a reply to the heartbeat message and will then be properly closedby the TCP stack, and if a heartbeat reply is received, the firewall will(should!) mark the connection as no longer idle.
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As long as one side of the FTP session enables Keep Alive and has the heartbeattimer configured to a sensible value, this problem should be solved. Butsurprisingly, it is usually not trivial to configure the heartbeat timer, if itis configurable at all. Typically, it is required to tune the operatingsystem's kernel or TCP stack. Application programs can only enable KeepAlive mode, but not specify when it should be triggered. Therefore, unlessthe operating system provides a mechanism to configure the timer and the systemadministrator of the machine running the application program has bothered toconfigure the timer, a program enabling 'Keep Alive' mode is unlikelyto solve the problem.
Final Words | [Contents] |
We've shown that the File Transfer Protocol can be a difficult beast to tamein the presence of advanced networking hardware. We will leave you with abrief list of guidelines, but realize that for FTP to work smoothly you willmost likely need to expend considerable effort on configuration or considerablecash on hardware that is FTP aware.
- Use passive (PASV) mode from within your FTP client whenever possible.
- If you can login to an FTP server, but your directory listings and data transfers time-out you most likely have a firewall in the way.
- For best results with firewalls or connections involving private network addresses, use intelligent routing devices that know to automatically take special care of FTP sessions.
- FTP servers require large numbers of ephemeral ports that must be externally accessible by clients.
- Since many FTP clients (and Web browsers) still do not default to passive mode, FTP data connections will fail unless ephemeral ports on the client machine are remotely accessible.
© Copyright 2001, 2002, 2005 by Mike Gleason, NcFTPSoftware.
All Rights Reserved.
This is revision 1.1.1 (April 18, 2005) of this document.